MBChB (Stellenbosch), FCORL (SA)
Darlene Lubbe is an Associate Professor and Head of Unit in the Division of Otolaryngology at Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town.
Her main interests are endoscopic sinus, skull base and transorbital surgery, with more than 16 years postgraduate tertiary level clinical experience in endoscopic sinus surgery. Prof Lubbe now focuses mainly on patients with complex sinus, skull base and orbital pathology.
She is part of the interdisciplinary anterior skull base team that pioneered endoscopic anterior skull base surgery/pituitary surgery and, more recently, transorbital surgery in South Africa. She also currently runs the Karl Storz training programme in endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery for sub-Saharan Africa.
She has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, and authored multiple book chapters on endoscopic sinus surgery and transorbital surgery. She has also been a keynote speaker at various international conferences.
On the innovation front, Prof Lubbe was a consultant to Karl Storz in the development of what is now known as the Lubbe Surgical set, and to Disa Medinotec/Disa Vascular for the Trachealator/Lamprey dissector.
Her private practice is based at Cape Town Mediclinic in Oranjezicht.
Dr Nicholas Goncalves
BsC. HON, MBBch (WITS), FCORL (SA), MMED (otol)(UCT)
Dr Nicholas Goncalves graduated from the University of Witwatersrand Medical School in 2010, achieving the Deans Merit Award for academic excellence. He then completed his postgraduate ENT specialist training at the University of Cape Town, where he attained his Fellowship of Otorhinolaryngology South Africa. He graduated with a Masters of Medicine in Otorhinolaryngology (with Distinction) at the University of Cape 2019. Thereafter he completed further sub specialised postgraduate training in Rhinology, Skull base and Airway surgery. He completed his Fellowship at the University of Cape Town under the directorship of Professor Darlene Lubbe.
He holds a sessional ENT consultant post at the University of Cape Town, Groote Schuur Hospital where he provides clinical and surgical care as well as assisitng in the training of ENT registrars. He will also practice at UCT Academic Hospital.
Dr Goncalves manages and treats all ear, nose and throat conditions in both adults and children. His main interests are in the field of rhinology, endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery. He has a special interest in sinus conditions, snoring and breathing problems, pituitary surgery, cystic fibrosis, HHT (Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia), transorbital surgery and pediatric nasal conditions. He has a keen interest in clinical research and has authored and co-authored a number of peer-reviewed publications in the field of rhinology and transorbital surgery. He was awarded the International Mrs Harbans Kaur Tatla Fellowship (BACO ENT UK) 2021.